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Mr. T's Counseling Corner

Welcome Pumas!

Share the news with other students and spread the word!

I'm Mr. Tinajero, better known as Mr. T. I am one of the three counselors at Pinacate.

During the year, I work with students who may be struggling with academics, emotions, social relationships, and any other issues that may be getting in the way of school.

Now with the struggles we are all facing due to distance learning, I am hoping to provide you all with place to get help with all of your counseling needs.

Coping Strategy Videos

With all of life's stressors piling up, your teachers and I have launched a video series to provide some tips on how to help you all with your stress levels! Click on the links below to view each video and stay tuned for more!

Quote of the Week

Don't carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones to rise above them.

Contact Info

contact us

Feel free to email me or schedule a google meet or phone conference. I am here to answer any questions or concerns you may have.


School Phone Number:

You can also schedule appointments here:

Schedule Appointments

Calm Room

kids meditating

Take this link to a calm room filled with mental health resources that you can explore.

Calm Room

Tech Support

tech support

Follow this link for help with various technology issues:

Tech Help

Wi-Fi Info

wrench with wifi

Follow this link for information regarding wi-fi access:

Wi-Fi Info

Mental Health Resources

mental health

Follow this link for additional mental health resources from our district:

District Mental Health Resources

Tutoring Sign-Up Form

Follow this link to sign up for tutoring, or if you are logged into your district email, complete the form below:

Sign-Up Form

Club Sign-Up Form

Follow this link to sign up for one of our great clubs, or if you are logged into your district email, complete the form below:

Club Interest Sign-Up Form

Mr. Tinajero in an apple


Christopher Tinajero - Alternative Resource Counselor

Check out the Pinacate website, facebook, twitter, and instagram for more information. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.