First Period Tardies
Tardy students are subject to the following policy and procedure: Students tardy to school in the morning are always to report to the attendance window to obtain a late pass to class. The attendance clerk will determine the total number of tardies for the student and will act according to the following guidelines:
- 1st Offense: Student is given 1st warning, sent to class, and is marked tardy.
- 2nd Offense: Student is given 2nd warning, sent to class, and is marked tardy.
- 3rd Offense: Student is sent to class, marked tardy, the attendance clerk will call parent and assign after school detention to the student within 48 hours.
- 4th Offense: Student is sent to an administrator, parent is contacted, and student is assigned Saturday school.
- 5th Offense: Student is sent to an administrator, parent is contacted, and student is sent to On Campus Suspension for the remainder of the school day.
- 6th Offense: Student is sent to an administrator, parent is contacted, student is sent to OCS for the remainder of the day, referral to Student Attendance Review Team (SART), and student’s name is given to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB).
- 7th Offense: Student is sent to an administrator, parents will be contacted, student will be suspended for one day, SART contract will be reviewed, and student’s name will be resent to SARB.
- 8th Offense: Student is not allowed in class and is sent to an administrator, parents will be contacted, student will be referred for alternative placement through the Alternative Placement Committee and the student will be SARBed. Students will also be placed on the “no go” list for extra-curricular activities.
- 10 or More Offenses: Eighth grade student may not be allowed to participate in promotion ceremonies. Seventh grade students may not be allowed to participate in the end-of-year field trip.
Second through Sixth Period Tardies
Students who are tardy to any class after first period will be subject to Pinacate Middle School’s lockout policy. Teachers will not allow them to enter class. Students must go directly to the On Campus Suspension room where they will stay for the remainder of the period. Student’s who regularly and intentionally chose to be late will be subject to further disciplinary action, such as detention, Saturday school, suspension, and loss of extracurricular activities. Parents are encouraged to visit the attendance office and ask for an attendance report for their student, which will indicate when their student was in OCS, if ever.